Hello and welcome to the latest Hoonaloon Books Newsletter.
This month we`re going to start with some news, then hear from a satisfied customer. After that, we`ll look at some recent additions to our stock and then I`ll just provide the usual links etc so that you can access our catalogue.
This is not really anything to do with our business, but I thought it might be of interest.
Over the last month or so, along with a number of others, including authors Ray Elmitt and Keith `Chap O`Keefe` Chapman, I`ve been involved in seeing to it that a previously unpublished story by the late Walter Tyrer is made available to the reading public for the first time.
I`m pleased to say that our efforts have been crowned with success, thanks in part to the enthusiastic support of Walters` daughter Jennifer de Fries.
Walter Tyrer circa 1956
Should you wish to know more, the best (actually the only) accounts are these ;
Nick Osmond - Walter the Wordsmith - http://bookshelvesandbrownale.blogspot.co.uk - 15 March 2014
David Cranmer - Department of Lost Stories : A Professional Job by Walter Tyrer - http://davidcranmer.blogspot.co.uk - 16 March 2014
The Satisfied Customer
As I`ve mentioned before, selling things online can seem a touch impersonal, so its` always good to hear from happy people who`ve made online acquisitions at our esteemed online emporium.
Such a man is Robert from Newmarket who purchased a formidably weighty volume from us not so long ago.
Robert was kind enough to get in touch to say "The book is exactly as your description and I am delighted with it."
Contacted to ask if we could quote him, he responded "I`m perfectly happy for you to quote me. It was a prompt and painless experience buying from you (and you can quote me on that if you like)."
Thanks to Robert for that, and also the customers who agreed to be quoted in previous newsletters.
Recent Acquisitions
Our last newsletter gave details of a Hungarian edition (in English) of Slave of the Huns by Geza Gardonyi. This newsletter starts with another edition of the same book, also a Hungarian edition in English and in fact from the same publisher.
This edition can be found at number 6316 in our listings.
At 6280, another recent acquisition is `Deborah Darby of Coalbrookdale 1754 - 1810 ; Her Visits to America, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, England and the Channel Isles` by Rachel Labouchere, published by Sessions of York, 1993. The author, who has family connections with the Darbys, has previously written a book about Deborahs` mother-in-law, Abiah. This book was based on Deborahs` diaries.
To learn more about the Darby family, Coalbrookdale and Ironbridge Gorge, use these links ;
The Darby family women are conspicuously absent from most accounts of the Darbys and their doings, something Rachel Labouchere is clearly working to put right !
Trivia buffs may like to note that a painting of the Coalbrookdale Iron Bridge is featured on the mug holding the flowers on the cover of this book.
Other recent acquisitions include ; 6321 - Alistair McRae Rennie - Scotch Broth, 6303 - J C Jones - Influx, 6299 - Margery L Metcalfe - Once a Gentleman (signed), 6317 Angela Rigley - School for Jamie (signed), 6318 - Goddard - Goodbye Old Pick.
Contact Us/View Our Listings
Our stock can be found on various sites, which are ;
You can search our catalague by clicking here ;
You can contact us at hoonaloon@btinternet.com
Customers wishing to pay by credit card need to order via www.abebooks.com
For those that have persevered, thanks for reading this far, and remember - Respect the Book !